
ANT Physical Theater/Fernando Oliveira

Vuurol Festival, Lage Vuursche NL

Performed by Fernando Oliveira and Rebecca Lillich//Krüger

Production support: Türkü Köksel

Supported by the Nassau Kerk

ANT Physical Theater Website: TRANSA

TRANSA is a death ritual, a utopic idea of how we greet death at our end. Oliveira’s conceptualisation of the character Benjamin, ready to meet death, invites the audience to see themselves in his place. This is a world in which death is a honor, an erotic finale of life. Death comes to greet Benjamin at his end, seducing him through the passage into the next world; within the performance this dying is not posited as a hierarchical stealing of life but an egalitarian shift, a process of pain, joy and sensuality. TRANSA creates a vision of death as what we deserve, a death that spends time with you, that sees you for who you are, death as an honor of time that should not be taken or stolen.


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Messengers of the Sun (2020-2022)